Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Howards Bonfire

Well, here we are lining up to shoot our own and or someone elses Pistoles.
All wearing proper attire and under careful instruction of Mike and Patty. See we are responsible people.
That is untill the .44 Magnum came out....ha ha

No automatics.....ooohhhh noooooo, none.

Howards Bonfire

Relaxing against his arsenal of stuff to shoot, big Joe contemplates which of his cannons he's going to shoot next.

Howards Bonfire

As you can see, we had just about everything we could want to shoot. A Smorgasborge of guns, a Plethora of pistols, a Miriad of Magazines.....enough of all that. We shot a lot of lead through paper.....

Howards Bonfire

Something wrong here, the guns empty and the Cans should be over the ears, well maybe it was a practice, yes thats what it was practice..........

Howards Bonfire

Here is Mein Host enjoying putting holes in some paper. Not sure what he's got there but you can bet its got big bullets!!

Howards Bonfire

Ah here we are again relaxing by the tractor, OO Arrr missus.
Just trying to soak up the last rays of sunlight....

Howards Bonfire

Ahh, this must be the trouble, its still daylight, the fire is burning like a Cadillac in Detriot, and there's no one there to enjoy it.......its 80 degrees guys....!!

Howards Bonfire

As for this picture, either these guys know something we don't and are running away, OOr they are trying to do a rain dance to put the darn thing out!!!
Not sure.

Howards Bonfire

Again some brought chairs and other brough a John Deer Tractor to sit in!!!!!!

Howard's Bonfire

Thank God some of us remembered to bring chairs, as you can see the sun was out and we are all relaxed.

Howard's Bonfire

After a long day of shootin n eatin we need to relax and scratch, what's that crawling up my leg. Arghh